
Joe Sloan wins both SDA online competitions in 2020


We have a lot of photos from the events all around the year.

World Checkers Draughts Fedaration

Sergio Scarpetta won the wright to Challenge  Michele Borghetti for the World 3-move title.

the tournament was held in Rome Italy from the 9th to the 12th of June 2016

see attached for full results

3-Move Qualifying, 2016.xls

The results from the Ladies Go as you please Title match

  And mens  Go as you please Qualifiers

Amangul Berdiyva Won the Ladies Match

see attached for full results

WCDF GAYP Ladies Qualifiers 2015.xlsx

Mens match was won by  Michele Borghetti

and has the wrights to challenge Sergis Scarpelta

WCDF GAYP Qualifiers 2015.xlsx